Они говорят, что не "недоступно", а берите 20 штук и будет вам счастье. "Hello Vadim, this model is OEM model, need at least 20pcs to make in android, for sample can not sale. maybe you will consider a wince one? Best Regard Charlie Luo Shenzhen Mantimelong Electronic Co., Ltd. Email: charlieluo@mantimelong.com Skype:charlieluo2013 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 发送时间:2014年3月27日(星期四) 22:08 收件人:Charlie Luo <charlieluo@mantimelong.com> 主 题:Android 4.0 car dvd player for Opel Antara 2012 with GPS+ATV+Radio+3G+WIFI Good afternoon! Say please price on this products http://mantimelong.e...io_3G_WIFI.html Send the original photos of this model. Best regard Vadim